Background: The phase of the migrating motor complex (MMC) in the proximal
small intestine at meal intake modulates gastric emptying, which is acceler
ated after intake during phase II. In the present study the relationship be
tween phase of the MMC at meal intake and the postprandial endocrine respon
se was studied. Methods: Eight healthy subjects ingested a caloric liquid m
eal of 2020 kJ during phase I and late phase II of the intestinal MMC, resp
ectively, in a randomized order. Blood samples were drawn at regular interv
als after meal intake and analysed for insulin, gastrin, neurotensin, chole
cystokinin, motilin, and somatostatin by radioimmunoassays. Results: The ar
ea under the curve (AUC) until 15 min for serum insulin (P < 0.05) and plas
ma neurotensin (P < 0.02) and AUC until 120 min for serum gastrin (P < 0.05
) were higher after intake during late phase II than after phase I. Plasma
cholecystokinin increased earlier (P < 0.05) after intake during late phase
II than after phase I. Plasma motilin and somatostatin were not influenced
by preceding phase of the MMC. Conclusions: This study shows that the phas
e of intestinal MMC at meal intake modulates the postprandial endocrine res
ponse, which may be explained by the prior entry of nutrients to the small
intestine after intake during phase II.