Recent progress in understanding the principles and mechanisms in olfaction
is the result of multidisciplinary research efforts that explored chemosen
sation by using a variety of model organisms. Studies on invertebrates, not
ably nematodes, insects, and crustaceans, to which diverse experimental app
roaches can be applied, have greatly helped elucidate various aspects of ol
factory Signaling. From the converging results of genetic, molecular, and p
hysiological studies, a common set of chemosensory mechanisms emerges. Reco
gnition and discrimination of odorants as well as chemo-electrical transduc
tion and processing of olfactory signals appear to be mediated by fundament
ally similar mechanisms in phylogenetically diverse animals. The common cha
llenge of organisms to decipher the world of odors was apparently met: by a
phylogenetically conserved strategy. Thus, comparative studies should cont
inue to provide important contributions toward an understanding of the sens
e of smell.