In 1991 it was demonstrated that, besides factor XII, thrombin is capable o
f activating factor XI in vitro. Thrombin-dependent activation of factor XI
is an integral part of the revised theoretical model of coagulation in whi
ch coagulation is initiated by the extrinsic pathway and maintained by thro
mbin-induced activation of clotting factors V, VIII, and XI, In this review
, special interest is given to the new role of factor XI in coagulation, wi
th emphasise on data supporting the concept of thrombin-mediated factor XI
activation in vivo. Furthermore, activation of factor XI in human disease,
especially atherosclerotic disease, measured by newly developed immunologic
assays, is discussed. The relation of factor XI to fibrinolysis through ac
tivation of the carboxypeptidase, thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibit
or (TAFI) by thrombin provides an explanation for the bleeding tendency obs
erved in factor XI-deficient patients, The probable link with factor XI-med
iated TAFI activation may have clinical and therapeutic consequences and de
serves further study.