A resonance mould incorporating a 180-mm-diameter copper tube was installed
for testing in one strand of the six-strand round easter operated by Hutte
nwerke Krupp Mannesmann (HKM). The mould exhibited good movement accuracy b
oth under idle motion and casting conditions. There was no displacement fro
m the sinusoidal curve, even at high frequencies.
The strand friction was determined on the basis of the driving forces under
idle motion and cai-sting conditions. It increases with the casting speed
and the stroke length. The asymmetry of the sine movement also has an influ
ence on friction. The casting powder consumption relative to the strand sur
face decreases with casting speed. The strand surface resulting with a reso
nance mould is smoother than that from a standard mould, and the oscillatio
n mark depth is not so great. This is presumably attributable to the higher
stroke frequency. Increasing carbon levels in the steel also have a favour
able effect. Negative asymmetry is more conducive to surface roughness than
a uniform sine movement or positive asymmetries. The smoother strand surfa
ce leads to less surface defects on hot-rolled tubes and pipes.
The casting powder consumption depends on the type of mould movement. Negat
ive sine movement asymmetries are less favourable in this respect than posi
tive asymmetries. The breakout rate remains unchanged for the different mou