Thirty-two consecutive patients with adenocarcinoma pf the ampulla of Vater
who had curative resection by pancreaticoduodenectomy were analyzed to det
ermine the accuracy of preoperative investigations and factors that influen
ced survival. Obstructive jaundice was present in 31 patients, and most pat
ients had pain and weight loss. Ultrasound vias more useful than CT in iden
tifying biliary obstruction, whereas CT was more accurate in demonstrating
pancreatic duct dilatation and an ampullary mass. Endoscopic retrograde cho
langiopancreatography with biopsy and brush cytology was the most accurate
investigation and proved or was suspicious of carcinoma in all patients. Ni
neteen patients had postoperative complications, three of whom died (9.4%)-
two of sepsis and one from aspiration following hematemesis. Actuarial 5-ye
ar survival was 46 per cent. Stage of disease was the strongest predictor o
f survival. All patients with T-1 lesions are alive more than 5 years after
resection. Patients with lymph node metastases had a significantly shorter
survival than node-negative patients (P = 0.00087). Pancreaticoduodenectom
y is advocated for ampullary carcinoma in good-risk patients, with the anti
cipation of prolonged survival in those with early (T-1) lesions and node-n
egative disease.