Multiple sclerosis (MS) is characterized by chronic inflammation and demyel
ination in the central nervous system (CNS). Although the etiology of MS is
unknown, both genetic and environmental contributions to the pathogenesis
are inferred from epidemiologic studies. Geographic distributions and epide
mics of MS and data from migration studies provide evidence for some, thus
far unidentified, environmental effects. The co-occurrence of MS with high
and low frequencies in ethnic groups often sharing an environment, the incr
eased recurrence rate in families, and the high concordance rate among iden
tical twins point to inheritable determinants of susceptibility.
Based on the autoimmune hypothesis of demyelination, genetic studies sought
associations between MS and polymorphic alleles of candidate genes which r
egulate either the immune response or myelin production. The most consisten
t finding in case-control studies was the association with the major histoc
ompatibility complex (MHC) (also called human leukocyte antigen - HLA) clas
s II, DR15, DQ6, Dw2 haplotype. Studies on other gene products encoded with
in or close to the MHC complex on chromosome 6p21.3 (e.g., HLA DP, compleme
nt components, transporter proteins, tumor necrosis factor, and myelin-olig
odendrocyte glycoprotein) resulted in conflicting observations in different
patient populations. The potential contribution of polymorphic alleles wit
hin the genes of the T-cell receptor alpha beta chains, immunoglobulins, cy
tokines, and oligodendrocyte growth factors or their receptors to MS suscep
tibility either remains equivocal or is rejected. Studies on families with
multiple affected members have revealed that MS is a complex trait, that th
e contribution of individual genes to susceptibility is probably small, and
that differences are possible between familial and sporadic forms. The dev
elopment of molecular and computer technologies have facilitated the perfor
mance of comprehensive genomic scans in multiplex families, which have conf
irmed the possible linkage of multiple loci to susceptibility, each with a
minor contribution. Several provisional sites were reported, but only 6p21
(MHC complex), 5p14, and 17q22 were positive in more than one study. The Br
itish update demonstrated segregation among regions of interest depending o
n DR15 sharing, and excluded a gene of major effect from 95%, and one with
a moderate effect from 65% of the genome. The extended study by the US coll
aboration group revealed that the MHC linkage was limited to families segre
gating HLA DR2 alleles, which suggested that linkage to the MHC is related
to the KLA DR2 association, and that sporadic and familial MS share at leas
t one common susceptibility marker. Further identification of h-IS suscepti
bility loci may involve additional family sets, more polymorphic markers, a
nd the exploration of telomeric chromosomal regions. Data from these studie
s may further elucidate pathogenic mechanisms of MS. (C) 1999 Editions scie
ntifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS.