Background: Radiofrequency catheter ablation is standard treatment for chil
dren with re-entrant supraventricular tachycardias. Autonomic changes have
been noted after such ablation for atrioventricular nodal re-entry tachycar
dia, but not as well documented with atrioventricular re-entry over an acce
ssory pathway.
Methods and results: In 10 normal paediatric volunteers and 12 children ref
erred for electrophysiologic testing and radiofrequency ablation of suprave
ntricular tachycardia, con-invasive autonomic function tests and tilt-table
testing were performed, and the variability in 24-h heart rate was analyse
d. Patients with supraventricular tachycardia underwent these tests both 24
-72 h before and 24 h after ablation. Patients with tachycardia underwent a
dditional autonomic testing to assess the sensitivity of baroreceptors and
the intrinsic heart rate with autonomic blockade immediately before and aft
er ablation. One non-invasive autonomic function test, namely handgrip, dem
onstrated significant differences (p < 0.05) in diastolic blood pressure be
fore and after ablation, though these values did not differ from controls.
Significant decreases were noted in two indexes of the variability of heart
rate before and after ablation (p < 0.05). Certain tilt test variables als
o demonstrated significant differences between controls and those with tach
ycardia subsequent to ablation. Intracardiac testing demonstrated changes (
p < 0.05) in sinus cycle lengths, effective refractory periods and/or blood
pressures at baseline and during testing of the sensitivity of barorecepto
rs before and after ablation. These changes were consistent with increased
sympathetic or decreased parasympathetic tone. With autonomic blockade, the
se differences were abolished.
Conclusions. Catheter ablation of accessory pathways in children was associ
ated with changes consistent with increased sympathetic or decreased parasy
mpathetic tone. These autonomic changes persisted 24 h after the ablation p