Objective: Incubation of enterocytic monolayers with interferon (IFN)-gamma
increases nitric oxide (NO) production and permeability, but NO synthesis
inhibitors ameliorate the development of IFN-gamma-induced hyperpermeabilit
y. Induction of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), an isoform of the e
nzyme responsible for NO biosynthesis, is often enhanced by the synergistic
effects of multiple cytokines. Moreover, many of the cytopathic effects of
NO are mediated by peroxynitrite, which is produced by the reaction of NO
with superoxide radical anion. In the present study, we sought to determine
whether combinations of several proinflammatory cytokines, including IFN-g
amma, interleukin-1 beta, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha, have synergistic
effects on the induction of iNOS expression and/or hyperpermeability to hy
drophilic solutes in cultured enterocytic monolayers. We also assessed the
effects of aminoguanidine (a relatively selective iNOS inhibitor), L-N-G-mo
nomethyl arginine (an isoform-nonselective NO synthase inhibitor), and Tiro
n (a superoxide radical anion scavenger) on the development of cytokine-ind
uced hyperpermeability.
Design: Caco-2 monolayers were incubated under control conditions or with I
FN-gamma, interleukin-1 beta, or tumor necrosis factor-alpha atone, pairwis
e combinations of these cytokines, or all three cytokines together (cytomix
; CM). iNOS messenger RNA (mRNA) expression was assessed using Northern blo
t analysis. The permeability of Caco-2 monolayers growing on permeable supp
orts in bicameral chambers was assessed by measuring the apical-to-basolate
ral flux of fluorescein disulfonic acid. The concentration of nitrate plus
nitrite in culture supernatants, an indirect measure of NO production, was
determined using the Griess reaction.
Results: After 24 hrs of incubation, up-regulation of iNOS mRNA expression
was evident only in cells exposed to IFN-gamma-containing formulations. Exp
ression of iNOS mRNA was far greater in cells incubated with GM than in cel
ls treated with IFN-gamma alone or either of the two-component IFN-gamma-co
ntaining cytokine combinations. Compared with IFN-gamma, CM resulted in a h
igher rate of NO production over 48 hrs of incubation. The permeability of
Caco-2 monolayers increased by approximately six-fold and similar to 20-fol
d after incubation for 48 hrs with IFN-gamma alone and CM, respectively. Th
e increase in permeability induced by incubation with CM was significantly
ameliorated by the addition of aminoguanidine, L-N-G-monomethyl arginine, o
r Tiron.
Conclusions: IFN-gamma-containing combinations of cytokines are potent indu
cers of iNOS in cultured enterocytic monolayers. Peroxynitrite may be an im
portant mediator of cytokine-induced gut epithelial hyperpermeability.