This study aimed to determine whether the interception of a moving object i
s achieved by implementing a predictive or a prospective strategy. We exami
ned the kinematics of catching movement in a situation in which the catchin
g hand was constrained to move along a single dimension. In line with predi
ctions based on a prospective strategy, the results obtained indicated that
, for the same interception point and the same initial hand position, modif
ication of the spatiotemporal characteristics of the ball's trajectory (via
modification of the angle of approach of the ball) gave rise to systematic
changes in the kinematics of catching movement. Moreover, the production o
f movement reversals when the hand was already positioned at the intercepti
on point, while in line with the predictions of the prospective strategy fo
rmalized by Bootsma et al. (1997), allowed for rejection of a predictive st