Three-pulse four-wave mixing (FWM) is used here to study and control laser
excitation processes. For general laser excitation processes, after a molec
ule interacts resonantly with a laser pulse, the molecule has a probability
of being in the ground or in the excited state. Control over this process
depends on the phase and amplitude of the electric fields that interact wit
h the molecular system. Here we show how three-pulse FWM can be used to con
trol the excitation of iodine molecules. Depending on the time delay betwee
n the first two pulses, the observed signal reflects the dynamics of the gr
ound or excited state. A theoretical formalism based on the density matrix
formulation is presented and solved for a four-level system. Experiments ar
e found to be in excellent agreement with the theory. The influence of line
ar chirp on three-pulse FWM experiments is explored. Spectrally dispersed t
hree-pulse FWM is found to be extremely useful for studying the effect of c
hirp on laser excitation of molecular systems. Experimental demonstrations
of these effects are included.