We propose a traffic measurement system which uses trap and polling methods
. To obtain its performance we consider a queueing model with a single serv
er and evaluate a packet delay. In our multi-cast traffic, packets are mode
led as a batch with a batch size distribution (gk). The batch arrival proce
ss is observed as two processes on the basis of batch size. For a batch who
se size is more than or equal to a threshold L, the batch will be trapped b
y our traffic measurement system (in queueing model, it will enter a queue
immediately after its arrival). For a batch whose size is less than L, it w
ill be observed at a polling cycle T (in queueing model, it will be tempora
rily stored in a buffer and all these small batches will be cyclically noti
ced with a cycle T). We analyze this queueing model by a diffusion approxim
ation and compare the packet delay observed by our traffic measurement syst
em with the L = 1 original batch arrival model. Evaluating the results of t
he diffusion approximation, we illustrate that our traffic measurement syst
em has functions not only to give an accurate estimation of the mean waitin
g time but also reduce the number of measurements by choosing appropriate p
arameters L and T.