Objectives. To determine the prevalence of concomitant disease in indi
viduals with interstitiai cystitis and to compare these results to the
general population. Methods. We used a questionnaire-based study eval
uating 12 disease processes and a survey of interstitial cystitis char
acteristics. The population was 2,405 individuals with interstitial cy
stitis who responded to the initial survey and an additional 277 indiv
iduals who were randomly selected and individually contacted. Results.
Allergies, irritable bowel syndrome, and sensitive skin were the most
: common diseases in the interstitial cystitis population. In comparis
on to the general population, individuals with interstitial cystitis a
re 100 times more likely to have inflammatory bowel disease and 30 tim
es more likely to have systemic lupus erythematosus. In addition, alle
rgies, irritable bower syndrome, sensitive skin, and fibromyalgia have
an increased association with interstitial cystitis. Conclusions. Int
erstitial cystitis has, as yet, an unexplained association with certai
n other chronic disease and pain syndromes. (C) 1997 by Elsevier Scien
ce Inc.