There is an emerging paradigm shift from coronary heart disease having a pu
rely hereditary and nutritional causation to possibly having an infectious
etiology. Recent epidemiological studies have shown a correlation between p
eriodontal disease and coronary heart disease. However, to date, there is m
inimal information as to the possible disease mechanisms of this associatio
n. It is our hypothesis that invasion of the coronary artery cells by oral
bacteria may start and/or exacerbate the inflammatory response in atheroscl
erosis. Since a few periodontal pathogens have been reported to invade oral
epithelial tissues, we tested the ability of three putative periodontal pa
hogens-Eikenella corrodens, Porphyromonas gingivalis, and Prevotella interm
edia-to invade human coronary artery endothelial cells and coronary artery
smooth muscle cells. In this study we demonstrate by an antibiotic protecti
on assay and electron microscopy that specific species and strains invade c
oronary artery cells at a significant level. Actin polymerization and eukar
yotic protein synthesis in metabolically active cells were required since t
he corresponding inhibitors nearly abrogated invasion. Many intracellular P
. gingivalis organisms were seen to be present in multimembranous vacuoles
resembling autophagosomes by morphological analysis. This is the first repo
rt of oral microorganisms invading human primary cell cultures of the vascu