The paper presents for the first time a rigorous nonlinear analysis of near
-carrier noise in a frequency converter consisting of a noisy nonlinear cir
cuit driven by noisy sinusoidal source(s). The problem being tackled is the
evaluation of the phase and amplitude noise of the up- or down converted s
ignal starting from the knowledge of the circuit topology, of noisy models
for the nonlinear devices, and of the statistical properties of the noisy f
orcing source(s). Two mixer models of different complexities are treated in
depth, i.e., the case of an ideally buffered local oscillator (LO), and th
e case of a real LO fully described by its circuit topology. In both cases
a correct evaluation of the near-carrier noise is shown to require a pertur
bative analysis of the noiseless quasiperiodic steady state generated by th
e intermodulation of the local oscillation with the RF signal. (C) 1999 Joh
n Wiley & Sons, Inc.