The present authors describe sleep problems, including sleep apnoea and exc
essive daytime sleepiness (EDS), in subjects with Prader-Willi syndrome (PW
S). The present paper reports a questionnaire study regarding sleep and beh
aviour in a group of 29 subjects with PWS, compared with an age- and gender
-matched control group. Those with PWS suffered from sleep problems more fr
equently than the central subjects. Problems included EDS, snoring and earl
y waking. Sleep problems in PWS were not associated with body mass index or
weight. Excessive daytime sleepiness was a distinctive feature of the grou
p with PWS, and behavioural disturbance in PWS children and adolescents was
associated with EDS. Excessive daytime sleepiness seems to be characterist
ic of PWS, and may be related to problems with the sleep-wake cycle and hyp
othalamic dysfunction.