Oceanic surface gravity waves have a mean Lagrangian motion, the Stokes dri
ft. The dynamics of wind-driven, basin-scale oceanic currents in the presen
ce of Stokes drift are modified by the addition of so-called vortex forces
and wave-induced material advection, as well by wave-averaged effects in th
e surface boundary conditions for the dynamic pressure, sea level, and vert
ical velocity. Some theoretical analyses previously have been made for the
gravity wave influences on boundary-layer motions, including the Ekman curr
ents. The present paper extends this theory to the basin-scale, depth-integ
rated circulation in a bounded domain. It is shown that the Sverdrup circul
ation relation, with the meridional transport proportional to the curl of t
he surface wind stress, applies to Lagrangian transport, while the associat
ed Eulerian transport is shown to have a component opposite to the Stokes-d
rift transport. A wave-induced correction to the relation between sea level
and surface dynamic pressure is also derived. Preliminary assessments are
made of the relative importance of these influences using a global wind cli
matology and an empirical relationship between the wind and wave fields. Re
commendations are made for further development and testing of this theory a
nd for its inclusion in general circulation models.