A cylinder superlattice is formed by arranging the same hollow tubules in a
linear lattice. Excitation properties are studied by evaluating the dielec
tric function within the linear-response approximation. The electronic exci
tations of a cylinder superlattice are the superposition of those of the in
dividual tubules. However; these two systems an very different from each ot
her. The excitations of different transferred angular momenta (L's) are gen
erally coupled in the former, while they are decoupled in the latter. a cyl
inder superlattice has a highly anisotropic structure, so the electronic ex
citations strongly depend on the magnitude (q) and the direction (theta) of
the transferred momentum. It might exhibit two plasmon branches. The low-
and high-frequency plasmons, respectively, come from the L=0 and L=1 collec
tive excitations in all tubules. Whether they could exist is determined by
q and theta. The comparison among multi-cylinder systems, cylinder superlat
tices, and cylinder bundles shows that they, respectively, exhibit one-, tw
o-. and three-dimensional characteristics in the collective excitations, e.
g., the q-dependence of the plasmon frequency. This important difference is
caused by the different Coulomb interactions.