We used permanent plot inventories from 1969-1973 and 1988-1993 to describe
forest species distribution patterns of the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory,
a 2,185 ha basin in western North Carolina, USA. We used canonical corresp
ondence analysis to explore the vegetation-site patterns for the 1970s and
1990s inventories combined. Site variables were determined by direct measur
ements or calculated by digital geographical information system mapping met
hods. Site variables were percent slope, elevation, terrain shape, precipit
ation, modified azimuth, soil organic matter content, soil depth, soil clay
content, depth of A-horizon, potential solar radiation, and mean temperatu
re during the growing season. Fifty percent of the variation in the vegetat
ion distribution was explained by the site variables used in the canonical
correspondence analysis. Soil organic matter, terrain shape, and elevation
were the variables most strongly related to vegetation distribution. Specie
s associated with convex terrain (upper slopes and ridges), such as Pinus r
igida, Quercus coccinea, and Quercus velutina, decreased in abundance from
the 1970s to the 1990s; species associated with soils having high organic m
atter content and deep A-horizons, such as Liriodendron tulipifera, Rhodode
ndron maximum, and Tsuga canadensis increased in abundance. Individual spec
ies responded differently to site gradients. For example, Acer rubrum, Quer
cus prinus, Oxydendrum arboreum, and Nyssa sylvatica were located in the ce
nter of the ordination space (i.e., their occurrence was not related to any
of the site variables), which suggests that these species are habitat gene