Convective vertical mixing in restricted areas of the subpolar oceans, such
as the Greenland Sea, is thought to be the process responsible for forming
much of the dense water of the ocean interior(1,2). Deep-water formation v
aries substantially on annual and decadal timescales(3-5), and responds to
regional climate signals such as the North Atlantic Oscillation(6,7); its v
ariations may therefore give early warning of changes in the thermohaline c
irculation that may accompany climate changes. Here we report direct measur
ements of vertical mixing, by convection and by turbulence, from a sulphur
hexafluoride tracer-release experiment in the central Greenland Sea gyre. I
n summer, we found rapid turbulent vertical mixing of about 1.1 cm(2) s-(1)
. In the following late winter, part of the water column was mixed more vig
orously by convection, indicated by the rising and vertical redistribution
of the tracer patch in the centre of the gyre. At the same time, mixing out
side the gyre centre was only slightly greater than in summer. The results
suggest that about 10% of the water in the gyre centre was vertically trans
ported in convective plumes, which reached from the surface to, at their de
epest, 1,200-1,400 m. Convection was limited to a very restricted area, how
ever, and smaller volumes of water were transported to depth than previousl
y estimated(9). Our results imply that it may be the rapid year-round turbu
lent mixing, rather than convection, that dominates vertical mixing in the
region as a whole.