Background: Cesarean star rupture of a gravid uterus in early gestation is
Case: A 38-year-old woman, gravida 4, para 2-0-1-1, presented at 13 weeks'
gestation with cramping and spotting. She had a history of two cesareans. U
ltrasound and magnetic resonance imaging indicated probable uterine dehisce
nce and a viable extrauterine pregnancy. After embolization of the uterine
arteries with subsequent fetal death, the subject had a hysterectomy; Intra
operatively, she had complete rupture of the lower uterine segment but the
pregnancy was enclosed within scar tissue between the uterus and bladder. p
lacenta percreta was found by histologic examination.
Conclusion: Women with histories of cesareans might be at risk of early ute
rine rupture. (Obstet Gynecol 1999;94: 804-5. (C) 1999 by The American Coll
ege of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.).