In the frame of the preparation of the use of ENVISAT data, the EEC is supp
orting the MSDOL project: Monitoring of the Stratospheric Depletion of the
Ozone Layer. The purpose is to assimilate the 400 vertical profiles of Ozon
e recorded each day by the experiment GOMOS ton the future ESA ENVISAT spac
ecraft) in a 3-D chemistry-transport model, where the winds are the ECMWF a
nalysis. The sequentially assimilated model will better represent the reali
ty since all single measurements are extrapolated in space and time through
chemistry and transport. The assimilated model will serve at least two pur
poses : the comparison with other data sets, and the estimate of the evolut
ion of ozone as a function of time and space. The 3-D model is derived from
the stratospheric chemistry-transport Rose model, in which the internally
generated dynamics is replaced by the actual wind field. (C) 1999 Elsevier
Science Ltd. All rights reserved.