Let Omega be a bounded domain in R-n, n greater than or equal to 1, with C-
2 boundary partial derivative Omega, and consider the semilinear elliptic b
oundary value problem
Lu = lambda au + g(., u)u, in Omega,
u = 0, on partial derivative Omega,
where L is a uniformly elliptic operator on <(Omega)over bar>, a is an elem
ent of C-0 (<(Omega)over bar>), a is strictly positive in <(Omega)over bar>
, and the function g : <(Omega)over bar> x R --> R is continuously differen
tiable, with g(x; 0) = 0, x is an element of <(Omega)over bar>. A well know
n result of Rabinowitz shows that an unbounded continuum of positive soluti
ons of this problem bifurcates from the principal eigenvalue lambda(1) of t
he linear problem. We show that under certain oscillation conditions on the
nonlinearity g, this continuum oscillates about lambda(1), in a certain se
nse, as it approaches infinity. Hence, in particular, the equation has infi
nitely many positive solutions for each lambda in an open interval containi
ng lambda(1).