The adsorption of O-2 on a monoatomic copper layer on Pd(111) leads to the
formation of two distinctive copper oxide features which, in scanning tunne
ling microscopy (STM) images, appear in dark hexagonal form (A) and bright
triangular form (B). By providing either the dark hexagonal or the bright t
riangular patches at a time, the chemical (oxidation) states of copper were
studied by X-ray photoelectron specroscopy (XPS). The Cu LMM Auger peaks f
rom these copper oxide islands exhibited distinct chemical shifts relative
to the metallic copper islands on Pd(lll): the kinetic energy was 0.6 eV lo
wer for the copper oxide islands of type A and 0.3 eV lower for B. No shake
-up satellite accompanying the Cu 2p photoelectron peaks was observed, indi
cating that the chemical state of copper atoms was not the Cu2+ but the Cu oxidation state (Cu2O). By combining photoelectron spectra of the surfaces
with STM results, it was deduced that the dark hexagonal patches (A) are a
Cu2O monolayer lying on a Pd(111) surface and the bright triangular patche
s (B) are a Cu2O monolayer grown on a copper layer formed on Pd(111). (C) 1
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