We consider global attractors A(f) of dissipative parabolic equations
u(t) = u(xx) + f(x, u, u(x))
on the unit interval 0 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 1 with
Neumann boundary conditions. A permutation pi(f) is defined by the two ord
erings of the set of (hyperbolic) equilibrium solutions u(t) = 0 according
to their respective values at the two boundary points x = 0 and x = 1. We p
rove that two global attractors, A(f) and A(g), are globally C-0 orbit equi
valent, if their equilibrium permutations pi(f) and pi(g) coincide. In othe
r words, some discrete information on the ordinary differential equation bo
undary value problem u(t) = 0 characterizes the attractor of the above part
ial differential equation, globally, up to orbit preserving homeomorphisms.