Background and Objectives: This study provides a unique method for identify
ing individuals carrying the Rh haplotype cDe, and supports a model for the
evolution of Rh haplotypes in which cDe is the progenitor. Materials and M
ethods: DNA from 212 unrelated donors of known Rh serological phenotype was
PCR amplified. The resulting products were analysed by denaturing polyacry
lamide gel electrophoresis, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and DNA
sequencing. Results: Two adjacent microsatellite repeat elements of the fo
rm (AC)n (GCAC)n were found within the human Rh blood group genes. These di
splay copy number variation which was non-randomly distributed with respect
to Rh serological phenotype, and was restricted to alleles of RHCE express
ing the c antigen. Conclusion: The predominantly Black African allele cDe d
isplayed a unique set of microsatellite alleles, providing a method of iden
tifying individuals carrying this haplotype.