Developing a computer program using the field data for reliability studies

Sm. Say et al., Developing a computer program using the field data for reliability studies, WORK SCIENCES IN SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE, 1999, pp. 124-129
Citations number
Categorie Soggetti
Current Book Contents
Year of publication
124 - 129
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Agricultural machinery is used not only to increase the labour productivity , but also to complete the any agricultural activities based on agricultura l machinery usage on time. Mostly, farmers consider to achieve different op erations according to available machine capacities. This scheduled idea may not be resulted with success all the time due to unexpected machine downti me resulting from several failures. If this fact does not take into account in planning stage, machine failures can cause serious stoppages which effe ct the production profitability in intensive operation period. To consider the negative effect of probable failures beforehand anyone should know abou t machine reliability. Researches on predicting and planning for downtime a re important part of reliability studies of agricultural machinery. In this study, an estimation method was explained and a computer program was devel oped to calculate Weibull distribution parameters which is generally accept ed statistical distribution as best-fitted to agricultural field. This prog ram uses the minimum least square method for calculating the Weibull parame ters. On the other hand, Monte-Carlo simulation method is included for pred icting the time between failures and time to repair values.