As a result of soil compaction, mechanical resistance have significant effe
ct on vegetative and generative plant growth.
Vegetative and generative growth of sunflower as affected by soil compactio
n due to wheel traffic was studied. Compaction treatments included, post-pl
anting among rows (ABR), post-planting on rows (AOR), past-planting on enti
re plot area (AE), pre-planting on entire plot area (BE), pre-planting on r
ows (BOR) and a control (N)
At the emergence period, mean emergence dates (MED), percentage of emerged
seedlings (PE) were determined as characteristics of vegetative growth and
at harvesting period, plant height, stem. diameter, head diameter and yield
were determined as of generative growth characteristics.
MED was determined as 10.93 days on AE,which was significantly lower than o
ther treatments. It was found that 12.93 days on ABR, the lowest PE traffic
on AE with 78% and the highest PE traffic on ABR and 96% in control.
Compaction caused by AE and BE resulted significantly lower sunflower yield
s than other treatments. The highest average sunflower yield was 3265.7 Mg/
ha with N, and 3200.3 Mg/ha with ABR, while the lowest average yield 2547.3
Mg/ha with BE, and 2544.0 Mg/ha with AE.