The acquisition of antibodies to factor VIII (ie, factor VIII protein) by p
atients without hemophilia is associated with conditions such as pregnancy,
lymphoma, and autoimmune disorders. We present three patients who acquired
factor VIII antibodies in the postoperative setting. Preoperatively, none
gave a history of bleeding even with past surgeries and all had normal coag
ulation tests. Within days of surgery (bowel resection, cholecystectomy, co
ronary bypass), a bleeding diathesis emerged with prolonged partial thrombo
plastin time, decreased factor VIII levels, and demonstrable factor VIII an
tibodies. All patients required multiple blood transfusions and urgent re-
exploration for hemostatic control. All were treated with high dose human f
actor VIII infusions, corticosteroids, and various forms of immunosuppressi
on. We wish to raise awareness of surgery as a precipitating cause of acqui
red hemophilia, which is something to be considered with unusual postoperat
ive bleeding. This syndrome is remarkable for its abrupt onset within days
of surgery, dramatic bleeding, subsequent persistence, but potential revers
al by immunosuppression.