Fundamental: A life-threatening short-term course or progressive devel
opment of severe respiratory failure is a real risk in many cases of a
sthma if adapted longterm treatment is not initiated. Corticosteroids:
Essential for long-term therapy, corticosteroids reduce endothelial p
ermeability to inflammatory cells and reduce expression of adhesion mo
lecules by inhibiting the synthesis of bronchoconstrictor mediators, i
mproving mucociliary clearance and reducing mucus secretion. Other tre
atments: Cromones are anti-inflammatory drugs which aci on mast cells.
beta 2-mimetic drugs act on beta-receptors in muscle cells and stimul
ate cyclic AMP; Theophylline, a second-line therapy has a complex mech
anism of action. Antibiotics may be useful in patients who also develo
p sinusitis. Objectives: The goal is to minimize chronic symptomatolog
y, limit acute flare-ups, reduce the dependency on beta 2-mimetics, el
iminate restrictions on physical activities, reach a variation of peak
circadian expiratory flow under 20%, and minimal side effects. The ba
sis of treatment were published in the 1991 consensus statement. Patie
nt care: One must be constantly aware of the patient's anxiety, compli
ance to treatment and triggering circumstances, recognizing and elimin
ating allergenic agents.