The paper traces the impact of a shock to banana prices on key macroeconomi
c variables for the Windward Islands and the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank
(ECCB) Monetary Union as a whole. Net foreign assets of Dominica are expec
ted to show the largest decline while those for Grenada the least. The impa
ct on the net foreign assets of the subregion may be mitigated by other for
eign exchange inflows. In addition there was little variation in the growth
in M1 with the exception of Dominica suggesting money-output neutrality. G
overnment revenues were not adversely affected suggesting that the terms of
trade shock may be viewed as being temporary and agents borrow to maintain
existing tastes and preferences. This result hinged on the nexus between g
overnment revenue and the reliance on trade taxes on imports suggesting som
e ambiguity in the explanation of the Harberger-Laursen-Meltzer effect.