Trinucleotide, or triplet, repeats consist of 3 nucleotides consecutively r
epeated (eg, CCG CCG CCG CCG CCG) within a region of DNA, a not uncommon mo
tif in the genome of humans and other species. In 1991, a new type of genet
ic mutation was discovered, known as a dynamic or expansion mutation, in wh
ich the number of triplets in a repeat increases and the length becomes uns
table. During the past decade, nearly 20 diseases-including Huntington dise
ase, 2 forms of the fragile X syndrome, and myotonic dystrophy-caused by tr
inucleotide repeat expansions have been identified. The unstable nature of
the expanded repeat. leads to remarkable patterns of inheritance in these d
iseases, distinctly at odds with traditional notions of mendelian genetics.
We review the clinical and genetic features of these disorders, with a par
ticular emphasis on their psychiatric manifestations, We also critically ex
amine the hypothesis that expansion mutations may have an etiologic role in
psychiatric diseases such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and autism.