Background: Clostridium difficile can be recovered from many high-risk hosp
italized patients receiving broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy. Clostridium
difficile toxins A and B have been associated with increased intestinal per
meability in vitro and there is growing evidence that increased intestinal
permeability may be a common mechanism whereby enteric bacteria penetrate,t
he intestinal epithelium.
Hypothesis: Clostridium difficile-induced alterations in the intestinal bar
rier facilitate microbial penetration of the intestinal epithelium, which i
n turn facilitates the translocation of intestinal bacteria.
Design: Mature Caco-2 enterocytes were pretreated with varying concentratio
ns of toxin A or toxin B followed by 1 hour of incubation with pure culture
s of either Salmonella typhimurium, Escherichia coli, or Proteus mirabilis.
The effects of toxins A and B on enterocyte viability, cytoskeletal actin,
and ultrastructural topography were assessed using vital dyes, fluorescein
-labeled phalloidin, and scanning electron microscopy, respectively. The to
xins' effects on bacterial adherence and bacterial internalization by cultu
red enterocytes were assessed using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and q
uantitative culture, respectively. Epithelial permeability was assessed by
changes in transepithelial electrical resistance and by quantifying paracel
lular bacterial movement through Caco-2 enterocytes cultivated on permeable
Results: Neither toxin A nor toxin B had a measurable effect on the numbers
of enteric bacteria internalized by Caco-2 enterocytes; however, both toxi
ns were associated with alterations in enterocyte actin, decreased transepi
thelial electrical resistance, and increased bacterial adherence and parace
llular transmigration.
Conclusion: Clostridium difficile toxins A or B may facilitate bacterial ad
herence and penetration of the intestinal epithelial barrier.