The present study evaluates indicators in Swedish spruce forests. We ask wh
ether different species groups co-vary in their occurrence and to what exte
nt species richness and composition is predictable from habitat structures.
We studied 10 boreal spruce forest stands constituting a gradient in degre
e of selective logging. Occurrences of vascular plants, bryophytes, epiphyt
ic lichens and wood-inhabiting fungi as well as habitat structures was inve
ntoried. In addition, in five of the stands, beetles were sampled with wind
ows traps. Total species richness was correlated with several habitat facto
rs, mainly particular substrates and degree of forestry impact. However, th
e richness of a set of species regularly used as indicators did not correla
te with habitat factors. Correlation in species richness among different or
ganism groups were few and scale dependent. Only lichens and vascular plant
s formed nested subset patterns (i.e. species composition at poorer sites i
s subsets of the species present at richer sites) among the study sites. Th
e study shows that in this forest type one cannot a priori assume that rich
ness in one group of species correlated with richness in other, and measure
s of single habitat features may be relevant only to particular groups of s
pecies. Instead, monitoring and inventories should be based on a set of fac
tors reflecting important aspects for different groups of organisms and if
indicator species are to be used these should be chosen from several specie
s groups.