Jf. Silva et J. Raventos, Effects of end of dry season shoot removal on the growth of three savanna grasses with different phenologies, BIOTROPICA, 31(3), 1999, pp. 430-438
This paper presents the results of a field experiment investigating the eff
ects of shoot removal at the end of the dry season on tillering and aerial
biomass in three perennial savanna grasses. The experiment was intended to
simulate the effects of savanna fires at the end of the dry season. The exp
eriment included three initial size classes of plants that were allowed to
grow free from competitors. The results showed an immediate negative effect
of shoot removal on tiller number in all three species; however, at the en
d of the experiment, defoliated planes had recovered and their final sizes
did not differ significantly from those of control plants. We registered an
overcompensating response to shoot removal on aerial biomass of Trachypogo
n plumosus, while the other two species (Andropogon semiberbis and Leptocor
yphium lanatum) compensated completely for the removed aerial biomass. Diff
erences in initial plane size were only significant in L. lanatum. Shoot re
moval resulted in a significant decrease in the fraction of flowering tille
rs in T. plumosus, hut had no significant effects on flowering in A. semibe
rbis. Experimental plants of L. lanatum did nor flower during the experimen
t. Although inmediate shoot removal effects were strongly negative, the thr
ee species were able to recover nor only in the number of tillers but also
in aerial biomass. Based on the differences between actual burning and expe
rimental removal of shoots, we expect that the compensating responses to ac
tual fire would be greater than the ones resulting from this study.