It has been proposed that the small volume of a dendritic spine can amplify
Ca2+ signals during synaptic transmission. Accordingly, we have performed
calculations to determine whether the activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (N
MDA) type glutamate receptors during synaptic transmission results in signi
ficant elevation in intracellular Ca2+ levels, permitting optical detection
of synaptic signals within a single spine. Simple calculations suggest tha
t the opening of even a single NMDA receptor would result in the influx of
similar to 310 000 Ca2+ ions into the small volume of a spine, producing ch
anges in Ca2+ levels that are readily detectable using high affinity Ca2+ i
ndicators such as fura-2 or fluo-3. Using fluorescent Ca2+ indicators, we h
ave imaged local Ca2+ transients mediated by NMDA receptors in spines and d
endritic shafts attributed to spontaneous miniature synaptic activity. Deta
iled analysis of these quantal events suggests that the current triggering
these transients is attributed to the activation of < 10 NMDA receptors. Th
e frequency of these miniature synaptic Ca2+ transients is not randomly dis
tributed across synapses, as some synapses can display a > 10-fold higher f
requency of transients than others. As expected for events mediated by NMDA
receptors, miniature synaptic Ca2+ transients were suppressed by extracell
ular Mg2+ at negative membrane potentials; however, the Mg2+ block could be
removed by depolarization.