Some humans are often exposed to airborne mineral dusts at the workplace or
in daily life. When inhaled, some kinds of mineral dusts can trigger a pat
hological response of the respiratory system. Silicosis (from silica dust)
and asbestosis (from asbestos fibres) are the most commonly known diseases
originating from inhaled mineral dusts; other examples are bronchogenic car
cinoma and mesothelioma. Detailed knowledge of the chemical (and physical)
factors underlying mineral dust toxicity is much needed in order to evaluat
e the relative risks from exposure to different kinds of materials, both na
tural and synthetic. These pathogenic factors have been reviewed, with a fo
cus on the surface chemistry of mineral particles and interface phenomena.
To facilitate understanding, an outline of the anatomy of the respiratory s
ystem and of the etiology of the main diseases involved is also given.