We consider a model of two (fully) compact polymer chains, coupled through
an attractive interaction. These compact chains are represented by Hamilton
ian paths (HP), and the coupling favors the existence of common bonds betwe
en the chains. We use a (n = 0 component) spin representation for these pat
hs, and we evaluate the resulting partition function within a homogeneous s
addle point approximation. For strong coupling (i.e. at low temperature), o
ne finds a phase transition towards a "frozen" phase where one chain is com
pletely adsorbed onto the other. By performing a Legendre transform, we obt
ain the probability distribution of overlaps. The fraction of common bonds
between two HP, i.e. their overlap q, has both lower (q(m)) and upper (q(M)
) bounds. This means in particular that two HP with overlap greater than q(
M) coincide. These results may be of interest in (bio)polymers and in optim
ization problems.