Recent neuroimaging studies have obtained evidence of activation in the med
ial temporal lobe (MTL) during episodic encoding and retrieval. On the basi
s of a meta-analysis of MTL activations in studies that used positron emiss
ion tomography (PET), Lepage et al. (Hippocampus 1998;8:313-322) suggested
that episodic encoding tends to involve the anterior MTL, whereas episodic
retrieval tends to involve the posterior MTL. In a meta-analysis of studies
that used PET and functional magnetic resonance imaging, Schacter,and Wagn
er (Hippocampus 1999;9:7-24) reported weaker evidence for such a rostrocaud
al distribution of encoding and retrieval activations. However, these meta-
analyses were based largely on studies that examined encoding or retrieval
separately. Here, we report a direct, within-subjects comparison of MTL act
ivation during episodic encoding and retrieval by using PET. Results indica
ted that both encoding and retrieval were associated with blood flow increa
ses in similar MTL regions with little indication that encoding and retriev
al are preferentially associated with activity in the anterior versus the p
osterior MTL. Direct comparisons revealed greater blood flow increases in p
osterior MTL during encoding than retrieval. (C) 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.