In production engineering, the demands on monitoring systems are steadily i
ncreasing owing to the automation of machining processes. In the past, the
detection of defects was sufficient. today, the avoidance of any defect is
necessary. Therefore, monitoring systems have to be fast and reliable to gu
arantee zero-defect manufacturing. Most systems monitor acoustic emission (
AE), power consumption or forces while machining. Thus, the quality of the
workforce is only indirectly described and the determination of workpiece q
uality characteristics must be made by metallographical inspections of rand
om samples. These investigations are time-consuming and often destructive.
Micromagnetic techniques make fast and non-destructive quality control of g
round workpieces possible. For post-process measurements, the magnetic quan
tities of Barkhausen noise and field strength are used. The sensor systems
have been adapted to different applications such as grinding of gears or be
aring rings. In this paper the basic principle of this technique and the re
sults of industrial implementation will be presented. A new micromagnetic a
nalyzing system will be introduced which can be used for the direct measure
ment of workpiece quality characteristics while machining. This system uses
twelve different magnetic parameters and is a combination of the above men
tioned system and an eddy current analyzing system. Residual stresses, surf
ace hardness and can be used for process control. Furthermore, the 100% qua
lity documentation is possible without any additional post-process measurem
ent. In addition to the measuring principle, first results and examples of
automotive applications will be shown.