A chaotic neuron model with the linear saturating activation function is an
alyzed. The model accounts for the property of relative refractoriness, tha
t is, gradual recovery of responsiveness of a biological neuron after a sti
mulus is applied to the neuron. A neural network model composed of chaotic
neurons with the linear saturating activation functions, which includes the
generalized Brain-State-in-a-Box (gBSB) model as a special case, is propos
ed and analyzed. The proposed model is then used to implement associative m
emory. The existence and stability of equilibrium points of the model are a
nalyzed. Fuzzy logic is used to tune associative memory parameters for the
purpose of directing the network trajectory to visit memory patterns with s
ought features. Simulation results are presented to illustrate the effectiv
eness of the memory retrieval capability.