In October 1998, the FIGO Executive Board established a Study Group on Wome
n's Sexual and Reproductive Rights to develop specific details regarding ob
servance, enforcement and advancement. At its inaugural meeting in April 19
99 the Study Group reviewed international and national progress in respect
of such rights. International initiatives had achieved considerable progres
s towards specification and monitoring of rights, particularly through the
committee receiving reports of national compliance under the Convention on
the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. National prog
ress was more mixed. While some countries had improved women's sexual and r
eproductive rights, many had not, and rights in some had regressed. The Stu
dy Group considered actions available to FIGO member societies to advance r
ights in their countries, how advancement of rights might be pursued in cou
ntries in general, and initiatives that FIGO itself might undertake and fac
ilitate to protect and promote women's sexual and reproductive rights. (C)
1999 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics.