C. Wyss et al., Treponema lecithinolyticum sp nov., a small saccharolytic spirochaete withphospholipase A and C activities associated with periodontal diseases, INT J SY B, 49, 1999, pp. 1329-1339
Strong phospholipase A (PLA) and phospholipase C (PLC) activities as potent
ial virulence factors are the outstanding characteristics of eight strains
of small oral spirochaetes isolated from deep periodontal lesions. By quali
tative dot-blot DNA-DNA hybridization and 16S rDNA sequence comparison, the
se spirochaetes form a distinct phylogenetic group, with treponema maltophi
lum as its closest cultivable relative. Growth of these treponemes, cells o
f which contain two endoflagella, one at each pole, was autoinhibited by th
e PLA-mediated production of lysolecithin unless medium OMIZ-Pat was prepar
ed without lecithin. N-Acetylglucosamine was essential and D-ribose was sti
mulatory far growth. All isolates were growth-inhibited when 1% foetal calf
serum was added to the medium. Growth on agar plates supplemented with hum
an erythrocytes produced haemolysis. In addition to PLA and PLC, the new is
olates displayed strong activities of alkaline and acid phosphatases, beta-
galactosidase, beta-glucuronidase, N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase and sialid
ase, intermediate activities of C4- and C8-esterases, naphthol phosphohydro
lase and alpha-fucosidase and a distinctive 30 kDa antigen detectable on We
stern blots. This phenotypically and genotypically homogeneous group is pro
posed as a novel species, Treponema lecithinolyticum sp, nov., with isolate
OMZ 684(T) designated as the type strain. A molecular epidemiological anal
ysis using a T. lecithinolyticum-specific probe showed this organism to be
associated with affected sites when compared with unaffected sites of perio
dontitis patients. This association was more pronounced in patients with ra
pidly progressive periodontitis than in those with adult periodontitis.