The 5S rRNA genes of Gasterosteus aculeatus were characterised. Genomic DNA
was amplified by PCR using two primers constructed in different salmonid s
pecies in order both to extract the total 5S rDNA (coding region + nontrans
cribed spacer region) and to generate amplified DNA products only if 5S rDN
As were tandemly arrayed. Amplification revealed four bands (A, B, C, and D
) of about 250, 370, 580, and 660 base pairs, respectively. The electrophor
etic pattern yielded by PCR products appeared very similar in the various s
pecies examined, it was also present in a selachian, an amphibian and a rep
tile. However, differences were observed in the size of the bands. Band A w
as cloned and sequenced: it consisted of 225 base pairs (A+T = 48.6%; G+C =
51.4%) and showed a high sequence homology to 5S rDNA in many vertebrate s
pecies. Hybridization on nylon filters of genomic DNA digested with several
restriction enzymes showed the typical tandem array of repeated DNAs.