1. Over a large part of its very restricted and fragmented range, Iberian l
ynx Lynx pardinus occur in remote mountainous country at low density, where
the only information about the species comprises records of incidental sig
htings obtained by inquiry. In this study we developed an approach for quan
tifying lynx-habitat relationships and distribution patterns from sighting
data, using records from western Algarve (Portugal) in 1990-95.
2. Habitat was described in terms of land cover, topography, human disturba
nce and rabbit abundance, in 25-km(2) cells surrounding lynx sightings and
at random locations within the study area.
3. Lynx sightings were consistently associated with predictable habitat fea
tures. Sighting probabilities estimated from a logistic regression model in
creased with the abundance of rabbits and the proportion of land covered by
tall Mediterranean maquis, and declined with road density and the amount o
f developed land. This model identified correctly 85.7% of lynx sightings;
at the same time only 20.7% of the random locations were misclassified.
4. Indices of human presence were never associated positively with lynx sig
htings, suggesting that observation patterns were not influenced by the spa
tial distribution of potential observers.
5. Kriging was used to interpolate spatially between sighting probabilities
derived from the logistic model in order to produce a map of sighting pote
ntial for the Iberian lynx in western Algarve. Jack-knife resampling assess
ed the accuracy of this map. Three well-defined areas of high sighting pote
ntial were identified, probably representing the lynx core areas in this re
6. Our analysis of lynx sighting records suggests that these data may provi
de a first approximation to lynx habitat and distribution when further info
rmation is lacking. The application of this approach to other ran and reclu
sive species is discussed.