Guillain-Barre syndrome and its variant, Miller-Fisher syndrome, are acute,
postinfectious, autoimmune neuropathies that frequently follow Campylobact
er jejuni enteritis. The pathogenesis is believed to involve molecular mimi
cry between sialylated epitopes on C. jejuni LPSs and neural gangliosides.
More than 90% of Miller-Fisher syndrome cases have serum anti-GQ1b and anti
-GT1a ganglioside antibodies that may also react with other disialylated ga
ngliosides including GD3 and GD Ib. Structural studies on LPS from neuropat
hy-associated C. jejuni strains have revealed GT1a-like and GD3-like core o
ligosaccharides. To determine whether this structural mimicry results in pa
thogenic autoantibodies, we immunized mice with GT1a/GD3-like C. jejuni LPS
and then cloned mAb's that reacted with both the immunizing LPS and GQ1b/G
T1a/GD3 gangliosides. Immunohistology demonstrated antibody binding to gang
lioside-rich sites including motor nerve terminals. In ex vivo electrophysi
ological studies of nerve terminal function, application of antibodies eith
er ex vivo or in vivo via passive immunization induced massive quantal rele
ase of acetylcholine, followed by neuro-transmission block. This effect was
complement-dependent and associated with extensive deposits of IgM and C3c
at nerve terminals. These data provide strong support for the molecular mi
micry hypothesis as a mechanism for the induction of cross-reactive pathoge
nic anti-ganglioside/LPS antibodies in postinfectious neuropathies.