Taking antipsychotic medication as prescribed is one of the best means pati
ents have of managing psychotic symptoms and preventing relapse. Yet, for v
arious reasons, patients may discontinue taking their medication or skip do
ses, either occasionally or frequently. Among patients treated with convent
ional neuroleptics, approximately 40% stop taking their antipsychotic medic
ation within 1 year, and about 75% stop taking the medication within 2 year
s. Although adverse effects play a large role in a patient's decision to di
scontinue antipsychotic therapy, other factors also have an effect. Using t
he health belief model, clinicians can assess the relative impact of variou
s factors on medication adherence. This model posits that adherence to trea
tment is determined by the patient's assessment of the perceived benefits o
f treatment and risks of illness versus the costs of treatment (including a
dverse effects such as weight gain). Other factors in the decision are barr
iers to adherence and cues to act (i.e., reminders to take medication). Pat
ients who believe the risks of treatment outweigh the benefits are likely t
o discontinue their medication and are candidates for intervention to incre
ase adherence.