The three novel human herpesviruses (HHV) 6, 7, and 8 are predominantly, bu
t not exclusively, lymphotropic. In an attempt to elucidate their neurotrop
ism in vivo, viral DNA sequences present in fresh autopsy cortical brain ti
ssues obtained from 84 consecutive Chinese subjects (mean age, 66.9 years;
range, 21-98 years) were detected by a nested polymerase chain reaction. Th
ese patients were apparently immunocompetent and free of clinical signs of
viral diseases. HHV-6 DNA was detected in 36 of 84 (42.9%) patients, and th
e DNA-positive and -negative groups did not show a significant difference i
n age or sex distribution. Of the 36 HHV-6 DNA-positive cases, 9 (25%) were
variant A and 27 (75%) were variant B. In view of the lower prevalence of
variant A than variant B in the adult population, the two variants may shar
e a comparable neuroinvasive potential. HHV-7 and HHV-8 DNA were detected r
espectively in three and two patients. The low positive rates of HHV-7 and
HHV-8 may represent a relatively lower neuroinvasive potential of: the viru
ses. Alternatively, the localization of HHV-7 and HHV-8 may be more restric
ted and the sampled cortical tissues may not represent the most abundant si
te of persistence in the nervous system. The results provide molecular evid
ence of the presence of the three newly identified herpesviruses in brain t
issue. The pathogenic role for HHV-7 and HHV-8, as with HHV-6, in neurologi
cal diseases should not be overlooked. (C) 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.