purpose: This report describes the application of an intraoral device for t
reatment of malocclusions characterized by mandibular deficiency and the su
rgical technique for its placement.
Patients and Methods: In an office setting, 5 retrognathic patients underwe
nt mandibular lengthening via distraction osteogenesis with an intraoral to
oth-borne distraction device. Under local anesthesia and sedation, mandibul
ar corticotomies, mobilization, and placement of the distracters were perfo
rmed. Preoperative, intradistraction, and postoperative dental casts, photo
graphs, and cephalometric radiographs were used to analyze the results.
Results: In 3 of the 5 cases, distraction occurred along the planned vector
. The remaining 2 cases showed opening rotations of the mandibular anterior
segment along with the advancement.
Conclusions: This study documents that the mandible and the dental arch can
be lengthened successfully using this technique.