Recent density-functional studies of the structural and electronic properti
es of a wide range of transition-metal sulphides (Raybaud P, Kresse G, Hafn
er J and Toulhoat H 1997 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 9 11 085, 11 107) are ex
tended to consider the effect of magnetic ordering in sulphides formed by 3
d transition metals. We find that CrS is well described as an itinerant ant
iferromagnet and that the magnetic ordering leads to a substantial increase
of the equilibrium volume and a reduction in the axial ratio of the NiAs-t
ype lattice. MnS(NaCl structure) is correctly described as a high-spin type
-II antiferromagnet (AFM) with a very large magneto-volume effect, but the
semiconducting gap is underestimated-probably due to the neglect of correla
tion effects. Correlation effects are also important for stabilizing I:he h
igh-spin AFM type-III state of MnS2 over the low-spin state. The phase tran
sitions between non-magnetic (NM) NiAs-type FeS and antiferromagnetic troil
ite are well described by spin-density-functional theory, but the formation
of a semiconducting gap and the magnitude of the magnetic moments and exch
ange splitting can be explained only by postulating correlation effects of
intermediate strength. FeS2(pyrite or marcasite) and CoS are predicted to b
e non-magnetic, while cubic CoS2 is well characterized as an itinerant weak
ferromagnet. NiS and NiS2 are predicted to be non-magnetic by local spin-d
ensity theory, in contrast to experiment.