Genetic variation among nine populations of Ozark chinkapin [Castanea pumil
a (L.) Mill. var. ozarkensis (Ashe) Tucker], threatened by their susceptibi
lity to chestnut blight (Cryphonectria parasitica (Murrill) Barr), was inve
stigated. Population genetic parameters estimated from isozyme variation su
ggest the populations have a higher genetic diversity (H-e = 0.227) than po
pulations of the other Castanea Mill species on the North American continen
t, the American chestnut (C. dentata (Marsh.) Borkh.) High levels of hetero
zygosity were detected within the populations, but nonsignificant differenc
es in genetic diversity were observed among the different populations. Prin
cipal component analysis based on isozyme allele frequencies or randomly am
plified polymorphic DNA phenotype frequencies showed clustering of the same
populations. Populations with high levels of genetic diversity and unusual
alleles should be the focal paint of conservation biologists for capturing
much of the genetic variation of the species.